Thursday, February 24, 2011

Three of the same

I got to witness a muted sunset on a winter's day in Zion National Park. It was so nice I had to let all of my cameras have a turn.

Keystone 60Second Everflash camera. Polaroid Chocolate film.

SX70, PX70 PUSH! film.

Polaroid Spectra camera, PZ UV+ film.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Water Canyon

challenges and triumphs await by Janelka
challenges and triumphs await, a photo by Janelka on Flickr.
This is a great canyon to hike through and canyoneer out. It is also in polygamist country. When hiking up this trail, we passed a group of angelic blonde girls being taught a lesson on the indigenous people. They all had their hair parted in the center with long braids running down past their shoulders, ending in feathers. Their dress, however, was that of a pioneer woman. Their usual. I could imagine that they were little white settlers that had been very recently taken in by a local tribe.
If only I'd had the guts to photograph that little scene, but I didn't want to offend.
At the end of our hike, we came upon a long narrow seasonal waterfall. (It is the narrow ribbon of white just left of center in the photograph.)

Friday, February 11, 2011

My new home

Having traded in four seasons for three and a quarter, I find that I have moved from one desert place to another. I gave up familiar places for something different, for a new color palette and a new life.

An old photo from my old place:

And now a few from my new neighborhood:

All of the above photos were taken on my Holga N. The top photo is cross processed slide film (EV 100S) and a photo of Lehi, Utah. The next two are Cedar Breaks, Utah, and the last three are Bryce Canyon, Utah---unknown color film.